Peak Performance Psychology

Sue is a skilled psychologist with a wealth of experience helping people to reach their goals, and set even more ambitious ones. Sue has worked with a wide variety of people looking to perform at their best, from athletes to medical and business professionals; teams and artistic performers. In addition to her consulting experience, Sue is a world-leading psychological researcher of flow state – THE psychological state for optimal performance and experience.

Performance Psychology is about developing a psychological skill set to match the demands of a high performance setting, be that work, sport, or the performing arts. Skills that assist with focus, confidence, and with finding the optimal psychological state of flow. The work of a performance psychologist can be thought of as a psychological strengths coach, helping high performers train the skills that are integral to the achievement of challenging goals.

Available in person in the Brisbane suburb of Bardon and online from anywhere in the world via Zoom.

Get in touch with Sue today to build your psychological skills – for peak performance, and for finding in your experience the optimal psychological state of flow..

High Performance Individuals

Whether you are an aspiring medical student preparing to apply to med school, or an established medical practitioner studying for your specialty qualifications, or you work in an area of high challenge in another field, developing high performance psychology skills can help with your focus, motivation, confidence, and ultimately your performance.


Sue coauthored with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the founder of flow, and one of the greatest pyschologists of our century, “Flow in Sports“, which teaches athletes and coaches how to take advantage of flow state to gain a competitive edge. Sue works with athletes to help develop psychological skill sets to match the physical and technical challenges they face, and to find flow in performance.

Learn Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an essential skill for high performance and for wellbeing. Learn, or deepen, a practice of mindfulness through individually tailored sessions with Sue. Practices are drawn from mindfulness approaches in psychology, and from the ancient traditions of meditation and yoga.

Training Programs

Body and Mind Flow offer a range of tailor-made training programs for groups and individuals interested in developing mindfulness, awareness, focus, and flow. Training programs can be stand alone workshops, or ongoing performance coaching.

Online Consulting Available

Sue works with people all over the world to help them learn the skills they need to unlock their best performances, discover present moment awareness, and achieve their goals.

Get in touch today to book a free 15 min consultation call to see whether it’s a good fit.

Insight T

Finding Your Flow For Optimal Performance

10-Day Course

Learn how to apply the science of flow to your life with Sue’s 10 part course exclusively for Insight Timer. Tools to focus the mind, this course aims to help you gain the skills you need to unlock your best performances.

Performance Psychology Packages

In addition to the packages below, Dr. Sue Jackson is available for long term consultation tailored to your needs.

4 Performance Sessions

Four 1:1 performance psychology sessions

Free 15 minute introduction call

Learn personalised skills to increase your performance

Take an evidenced based approach to achieving your goals

2.5% discount on purchasing sessions individually

8 Performance Sessions

Eight 1:1 performance psychology sessions

Free 15 minute introduction call

Learn personalised skills to increase your performance

Take an evidenced based approach to achieving your goals

5% discount on purchasing sessions individually

Email consulting outside of sessions to assist with what comes up for you

12 Performance Sessions

Twelve 1:1 performance psychology sessions

Free 15 minute introduction call

Learn personalised skills to increase your performance

Take an evidenced based approach to achieving your goals

10% discount on purchasing sessions individually

Email consulting outside of sessions to assist with what comes up for you

SMS/Whatsapp Consulting to help you in the moment


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